What's your Favourite Film?

This forum is for long-term games, and was initially seeded with several topics from the Chat forum.

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Re: What's your Favourite Film?

Postby Tony Dwyer » Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:01

Things have moved on a bit perhaps since the last post. :)

With the advent of reasonably priced led wide screen TV, Blu-Ray and high quality multi-channel audio, I've returned to my enjoyment of films at home.
Films for me have to entertain, I don't want to be bored by existential navel gazing. So here's a list, not in any particular order.

Zulu (Simply great)
The Italian Job (the original not the lame yank remake)
The Life of Brian (the funniest film ever!)
The Fifth Element (utter hokum - but fun)
We Were Soldiers (Mel Gibson in an almost verbatim depiction of an awesome factual book)
Conan The Barbarian (with Arnie of course - cheesy as hell but with awesome music - play it loud on the hi-fi) - The new Conan film with Jason Momoa is a bit of a hoot, but takes itself too seriously
Aliens (Sigourney Weaver rocks) - the best of the four films
Paul - (Simon Peg & Nick Frost had me creased up)
Barbarella (Jane Fonda was a teenagers dream back in the day - cheesy film, but fun)

Boxed sets - get them in Blu-Ray format - pipe the multi-channel sound into the hi-fi - remember to duck when appropriate:
Band of Brothers
Tony Dwyer

Re: What's your Favourite Film?

Postby Ian Linden » Wed Feb 15, 2012 18:17

I have got Band of Brothers. Excellent - gripping - realistic (i assume).

The "How we trained the cast" part was particularly interesting.
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Re: What's your Favourite Film?

Postby Tony Dwyer » Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:16

Ian Linden wrote:I have got Band of Brothers. Excellent - gripping - realistic (i assume).

The "How we trained the cast" part was particularly interesting.

I forgot to mention that the 'Band Of Brothers' films are based on a book of the same name, which was derived from the memories of some of the soldiers.
'Pacific' was based on true stories and from the memoires of one of the soldiers. John Basilone was actually awarded the Medal of Honour and was killed later on Iwo Jima, as depicted in the film.
Tony Dwyer

Re: What's your Favourite Film?

Postby John Ruckledge » Mon Feb 20, 2012 22:27

Well if I could only take one film to my desert island it would probably have to be The Ipress File. I can watch it time and again. It's a great alternative to the James Bond stuff - From Russia with Love being the best of that lot.

Greatest scene within a film would have to go to the cross roads/cropduster scene from Hitchcock's North by Northwest - not much happens for ages after he gets off the bus but it keeps you glued.

Any Ealing comedy.
2001 A Space Odyssey - what's it about? :?
Italian Job
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Re: What's your Favourite Film?

Postby Alex Clouter » Thu Apr 26, 2018 18:05

The best film I have seen so far in 2018 is

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

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