Forthcoming Classic Cars Article

What the Press say about the Cappuccino

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Forthcoming Classic Cars Article

Postby Ian Linden » Wed Nov 28, 2007 13:24

Paul Treby says:

Score members may be interested to know that the Cappuccino will be featured in Classic Cars Magazine, probably in the March issue, although the issue has not been confirmed yet.

The article is about Classic cars that are "fun to drive without breaking the speed limit". The cars featured are:

Suzuki Cappuccino
Frogeyed Sprite
Messerschmitt TG500
Mini Marcos
Mini Cooper (proper one not the BMW)
Smart Brabus Coupe

So how do I know this? Well, because I spent 8 hours in the cold and wet yesterday as it was my Cappo being used for the photo shoot!

So not much competition then :wink:
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Postby Adam Kenney » Sun Feb 03, 2008 20:20

I bought my copy of Classic Cars from the local news agents this weekend. I tend to buy Practical Classics rather than this magazine.
It's nice to see a Cappo in a magazine though.
It's only half a page worth of coverage, but it's better than nothing.
Adam Kenney

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