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Postby Dick Winchester » Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:25

Dick Winchester

Postby Ken Malone » Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:58

Two things:

1. The embarassed 'silence' about the England Ashes debacle.

2. Seeing online a great set of pics of my son & his new wife on their extended honeymoon in Fiji, New Zealand and Oz - they are loving it.
(They've also got a balcony view of the fireworks in Sydney harbour on NYEve!)
Ken Malone

Postby Dick Winchester » Mon Dec 18, 2006 13:31

Where's the link to these photos?
Dick Winchester

Postby Ken Malone » Mon Dec 18, 2006 14:00

happy to provide it Dick but I'll ask them first if they want to keep them private - I doubt it but I gotta ask. I tell you one thing if I was 20 years younger I'd be emigrating.
Ken Malone

Postby Dick Winchester » Mon Dec 18, 2006 15:46

Same here.... One of my boys is already in Seattle and having a great time......
Dick Winchester

Postby Tracy Hickman » Tue Dec 19, 2006 06:45

You're never too old!! A couple of our friends have just arrived and they're well into their 50's :)

Definitely the best move we ever made!
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Postby Ken Malone » Tue Dec 19, 2006 08:38

blimey - I thought there were age restrictions etc etc
Ken Malone

Postby Dick Winchester » Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:33

Yay!! Let's go start a Cappo commune :lol:
Dick Winchester

Postby Ken Malone » Tue Dec 19, 2006 13:14

Dick, Tracy

(Ha ha Dick Tracy!)

They are having a hell of a time out there - bungee jumping, snow-boarding, suba diving, sea kayaking -
on and on something like 4,000 miles driven in Oz so far -
all round NZ too - a true dream trip of a lifetime.

The only thing that scares me is the thought of a collision between a Cappo and a big possum or worse - a Roo.

Do any Cappo's have roobars Tracy?

Ken Malone

Postby Dick Winchester » Tue Dec 19, 2006 13:56

Who didn't do geography at school then ??

Tracy is in New Zealand where there ain't no Roos but they do have some amazing green parrot things that can alledgedly disassemble an entire car in ten minutes :lol:

Now if we could train them to do gearbox oil changes !!
Dick Winchester

Postby Ken Malone » Tue Dec 19, 2006 15:59

I know that! By the way I got a Higher in Geography!

My son & daughter in law are ALSO in Oz - Tracy's been there too - hence the question!!! Tsk tsk

They have a similar thing over here that can dismantle cars in 10 mins flat - trouble is i'ts usually someone else's car - and they probably don't even know it's gone from where they parked it! ;)
Ken Malone

Postby Tracy Hickman » Thu Dec 21, 2006 09:05

Definitely no roos here, but here is a pic of a Kea in action (they just love rubber!!)


There are usually lots of them in the skifield carparks, destroying windscreen wipers and the rubber round the windscreens! It's hard to get angry with them though, they're such beautiful creatures!

By the way, a cappo commune sounds good :) We met the other Invercargill Cappo drivers last weekend and went on a day out with the local MX5 club, great fun!
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Postby Ken Malone » Thu Dec 21, 2006 09:47

Nice looking bird Tracy - not sure I'd like it so much if it had destroyed the rubber on the Cappo windscreen
Ken Malone

Postby Ken Malone » Wed Jan 03, 2007 14:03

Today is a very special one and it's made me smile from ear to ear

My lad heard that he's got a place at Cambridge next year!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

when's the Boat Race again? :lol:
Ken Malone

Postby Dick Winchester » Wed Jan 03, 2007 15:16

Nice one Ken... Congrats to him..... What's he going to be doing..... Something useful like engineering I hope :lol:
Dick Winchester

Postby Ken Malone » Thu Jan 04, 2007 00:28

Exactly that Dick he's going to be reading Engineering for an M.Eng.
I'll pass on the congrats :wink:
Ken Malone

Postby Dick Winchester » Thu Jan 04, 2007 01:41

Perfect :lol:

The only problem is that at the speed the UK is being de-industrialised by the City he'll probably have to move overseas for a job. :cry:
Dick Winchester

Postby Ken Malone » Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:48

Too right Dick. One of my mantras is that UK is finished, stripped of the means of production, raw materials, skills, and financially, spiritually & morally bankrupt. So anyone with any gumpf would do well to get where the action is going to be for next 50 - 100 years - which is definitely not here in a backwater!

My eldest is still 'honeymooning' in Oz (3 months so far!) and I really hope they decide to settle out that end of the globe.

It's tough to say to your kids (for personal selfish reasons) but deep down I do believe it's right.

Luckily we've still got academia - Cambridge was voted by the professors themselves Number Two university IN THE WORLD in 2007 just behind Harvard and just ahead of Oxford.

It's a shame that our brightest probably need to fly the borders of this realm to secure the future their education & intelligence can bring them.
Ken Malone

Postby Dick Winchester » Fri Jan 05, 2007 00:45

Yep - I've just been involved in some work looking at why the rate of commercialisation of R&D from Scottish Unis is so low when most compare very well in terms of the quality of their output with other UK unis and some of the US ones such as MIT.

The report's conclusion was simply the lack of availability of risk equity capital to fund spin-outs etc........ Bit sickening really with the likes of the Royal Bank and Bank of Scotland being based in Edinburgh..

Did u know that a Prof from Aberdeen Uni built the first ever practical MRI machine in the early 80s... He tried to raise £1m to build a small factory to start building them but the banks turned him down so he ended up licensing it to the Japanese.. I truly detest these people - banks not the Japanese......
Dick Winchester

Postby Tracy Hickman » Mon Jan 08, 2007 07:37

Finding a perfect half-acre of land at the top of the South Island, and having our offer on it accepted :D
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