What's your Favourite Film?

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Postby Ken Malone » Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:17

Blimey good one Elizabeth - but I think my complete list would make Mr S' equation (elsewhere) seem tiny!

To start - in no particular order:-

    The Fantastic Voyage
    Hercules Unchained
    One Million Years BC
    The Girl on a Motorcycle
Ken Malone

Postby Elizabeth Hall » Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:37

Nothing could make that equation tiny!!!
Girl on a Motorcyle - I have to agree with you - can't get much worse!!
Elizabeth Hall

Postby Ken Malone » Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:54

ever seen this masterpiece!!!!

Ken Malone

Postby Elizabeth Hall » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:13

I vaguely remember a song, but didn't know it was a film too :?
Elizabeth Hall

Postby Ed Swindell » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:21

Alex Clouter wrote:Saw a preview of War of the Worlds... hmmmm I liked the b&w original PLUS the Jeff Wayne musical version which I have on a DOUBLE CASSETTE: that's going back a bit, but not as far as the B&W film!!


The trailers have so far been quite good for War of the Worlds, and i'm glad they've kept the martians out of them. I went to see millions (good film) the other day and there was a different ad, which answered some of my concerns about the first one. I had been about worried that the atmosphere might not have been there, but this ad had the glow over the countryside and similar voiceover to the Richard Burton narration at that point (though obviously, unfortunately not upto the hypnotic atmospheric quality of his). To me the definitive version is the Jeff Wayne musical version, which seems to put you right in the middle of it so well. I've got it on a double disc gatefold vinyl that has fantastic paintings the size of the opened out sleeve, as well as full lyrics and two pages of sleeve notes.
Aparently there's a new collectors edition coming out on 13th June with 2 hybrid SACD's containing a remastered version in both stereo and 5.1 surround, a CD of the best club mixes, 3 CD's of rarities, outtakes and unreleased tracks (including the full richard burton narration - apparently only 40% made it on to the original album) and there's also a DVD with a 75 minute making of film on. There's also a 12" square hardback book which includes along with new material all the stuff thats on the sleeves of the original vinyl (including that gorgeous artwork).
Ed Swindell

Postby Alex Clouter » Thu Jun 02, 2005 00:04


And what do these letters stand for?? New one for me :oops:
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Postby Paul Treby » Thu Jun 02, 2005 06:56

Super Audio CD, like a cd - but better.
Paul Treby

Postby Elizabeth Hall » Thu Jun 02, 2005 07:44

I'll stick with MD's - I scratch CD's too easily when they're rolling round the floor of my cars!!
Elizabeth Hall

Postby Ken Malone » Thu Jun 02, 2005 08:52

Elizabeth Hall wrote:I'll stick with MD's -

MacDonald's??? :D :D
Ken Malone

Postby Elizabeth Hall » Thu Jun 02, 2005 09:15

Nah, that's a McD's!! :wink:
Elizabeth Hall

Postby Ken Malone » Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:16

My Suzy came with a CD autochanger control/radio/cassette... but NO CD autochanger in the boot! :cry:
Ken Malone

Postby Lindsey Gray » Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:27

The musical version is by far the best and I have it on Double CD but my Dad orignally had it on the double cassette, which I made sure I inherited (or should that be swipped!). A couple of months ago I had to do some weekend work in the office and I subjected a colleague of mine to the CD very loud and with me singing along to it... it's now costing me a fortune in his therapy bills :lol:
Lindsey Gray

Postby Ed Swindell » Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:37

To be honest i'm a bit miffed they're only releasing it in SACD, and not DVD audio. I don't have, and have no intention of getting, a SACD player. SACD seems to be going the same way as minidisc, an obscure format that won't sell in mainstream stores that will be pushed by a manufacturer or two for a few years until even they give up on it.
Ed Swindell

Postby Alex Clouter » Thu Jun 02, 2005 22:34

My Suzy came with a CD autochanger control/radio/cassette... but NO CD autochanger in the boot!

The CD changer was an original Clarion accessory developed specifically for the Cappo in Japan and Suzuki GB imported limited numbers. Clarion also produced a specific bracket mounting so that the changer could fit securely and tightly with no compromise of fitting the roof panels in. Only problem of course is when the panels are in and you want to change the 6 CDs for a new batch... everything has to come out!
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Postby Ken Malone » Thu Jun 02, 2005 22:53

I wondered about that Alex. I like my music but if it's a toss-up between having the roof off and the panels in the boot - or having a CD changer in there - the roof wins each time for me. Besides if you play music in a Cappo you don't hear the engine note so well :D :D
Ken Malone

Postby Elizabeth Hall » Fri Jun 03, 2005 07:45

Ken Malone wrote:I like my music but if it's a toss-up between having the roof off and the panels in the boot - or having a CD changer in there - the roof wins each time for me.

I'm with you on this one Ken - we just need a bit of sun now! :?
Elizabeth Hall

Postby Lindsey Gray » Fri Jun 03, 2005 09:25

I have gone topless today and it's a very grey cloudy day...needed the fresh air to wake me up this morning and clear my foggy head (too much Mr Merlot last night me thinks!)...just hoping the pigeons and seagulls, oh and rain don't pay a visit to my little baby!!

Lindsey Gray

Postby Andrew Milne » Fri Jun 03, 2005 09:29

Ken Malone wrote:I wondered about that Alex. I like my music but if it's a toss-up between having the roof off and the panels in the boot - or having a CD changer in there - the roof wins each time for me.

What you need is a nice WMA/MP3 head unit Ken.
Andrew Milne

Postby Ken Malone » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:00

no pic for me?? pretty paleeze??? :D
Ken Malone

Postby Andrew Milne » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:15

This is the one I've got

Andrew Milne


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