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and the mood, and the alcohol level, and what sort of day i've had...etc, etc,Charlotte Howard wrote:It depends on the genre:-
Well anything with Audrey Hepburn in it has got score highly - I like Roman Holiday and will admit it's better but I've got a soft spot for Breakfast at TiffaniesCharlotte Howard wrote:Romance - Roman Holiday
A classic. Love it. What about "Plan 9 from Outer Space" though? Ed Wood at his best/worst?. I also love Fritz Langs Metropolis, and people say Star Wars/Close Encounters were ahead of their time.Charlotte Howard wrote:Science Fiction - Bladeruner (Directors)
Way too many in this genre to decideCharlotte Howard wrote:Thriller/Crime - Pulp Fiction
Never heard of him but just spent an entertaining 10 mins on imdb.com. Something to look out for I think.Charlotte Howard wrote:Animantion - anything by Jan Svankmajer but esp Faust
Why oh why did Mike Myers try to do a Scottish acent in an animated filmBettina Richmond wrote:Shrek
What about comedy? - "Some like it Hot" gets my vote
Adrian Furniss wrote:For something a bit different, does anyone remember Koyaanisqatsi (Life out of balance)? And how about the lavish Japanese epic Kagemusha.
Adrian Furniss wrote:And what about Ingmar Bergman? Exactly. What about Ingmar Bergman:!::?::!::?::!::?::!:
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