Rendez-vousThe Hand & Spear, Weybridge, (by Weybridge Station entrance) - not clearly visible from the road.
The Hand & Spear, WeybridgeAddress & Post CodeHand & Spear
Old Heath Road, Weybridge
KT13 8TX
Web site: (Weybridge) from about 10:00 AM
Depart: (Weybridge) 10:45 AM
Route- Weybridge
- Abinger Common
- Billingshurst
- Bramber
- Devil's Dyke
- Hove
- Madeira Drive, Brighton *
* In the event that Madeira Drive is too crowded (all sorts of Summer events end up there), we will go to the Telscombe Tavern, Telscombe Cliffs (an old SCORE haunt). The Telscombe Tavern is about 5 miles east of Brighton on the South Coast Road (A259) - just beyond Rottingdean/Saltdean - Post Code: BN10 7AD.
Bramber VillageLunch: Somewhere en route.
If you have one, please remember to bring your GPS navigator. The more GPS devices we have, the more we immunise ourselves against the consequences of the convoy breaking apart.
Madeira Drive, BrightonDispersal: We will disperse at Brighton, or split into smaller ad-hoc groups to make our way home.
Please phone on the day if you wish to meet at the lunch spot or anywhere else en route.
Event Mobile number: 0796 339 3158 (Julian)
Weather forecast: The South East should be hot and dry all day. Remember your sunnies and sunscreen.