The Events forum has some special features to assist in the entry and presentation of data. In addition, a modification to the message board (used by the Steering Group) automatically composes a What's On list for posting/emailing to members, drawing on text and calendar dates from topics in the Events forum. As this facility only reads the first post in each Events topic, event organisers need to exercise a degree of discipline in composing and updating topics in the Events forum.
When posting, please observe the following guidelines:-
- At all times the first post for each Event must contain all the latest information.
- To enter additional/updated information:
- Edit the first post AND
- Make a new post (by making a "reply" to the topic) containing explanatory text. In addition to highlighting the addition/change, a reply will cause an email to be sent to members who are "watching" the topic, and a yellow flash to appear in the forum index in the normal way.
- Use the Subject, Calendar Event, Message and data fields as detailed below.
Calendar Event: This is an installed feature which places a linked entry in the Calendar. The Calendar date(s) thus established are used to prefix the Subject (ie. the event title) on the Events forum index page.
To set a calendar date, click the

If the event is of two days or more, then check the "advanced" box to bring up a second Calendar Event line. Again, click the

Message: Use the normal "message" area for free-text and to augment/supplement information in the data fields.
Data fields: To help event organisers enter the necessary details, a set of "data fields" appear in the first post of each Events topic. The text entered into these fields is automatically formatted for presentation to people browsing the forum in a similar fashion to the Classifieds, Merchandise and Offers forums.
The data fields are as follows (subject to future additions):
- Organiser: Organiser's name. Please note that your name will not otherwise appear in the event topic!
- Telephone (admin): The phone number to use during the organisation phase (typically the organiser's land line).
- Telephone (on the day): The phone number which will be in use on the day of the event (typically the organiser's mobile).
- Event Site : The URL for the event or the chosen venue. This may be your own web page or a third-party site.
- Start Location : The event's meeting point.
- Start Location Map: eg. Multimap/Streetmap URL. Use the free text area to explain multiple start points (eg. on a two day event).
- Arrival Time : The time from which you would like people to arrive at the start location.
- Start Time: The time at which you plan to depart from the start location (if appropriate).
- Price: The price for attending the event, if appropriate. Expand on options/extras in the free-text area.
- Accommodation: The name of the chosen hotel/guest house. This will generally only apply to events that span two or more days.
- Accommodation Map: eg. Multimap/Streetmap URL, to indicate the location of the hotel/guest house.
- Accommodation Web Site: The URL of the hotel/guest house's own web site.
- Closing Date: The date by which members must make their application to be included in the event.
- Email: The organiser's email address (or enter * to show the poster's message board email button)
- Private Message: Enter * to show the poster's private message button.
Good luck with your events and here's hoping that good communication will encourage SCORE members to turn up in large numbers.