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Camshaft seals - Can anyone help locate please

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 17:19
by Mark Button
Hi all, I`m currently working on my 1993 Cappuccino and need replacement camshaft seals. The part number on the old units is BH1941E and the outer diameter is 47mm internal diameter 32mm. Nothing is coming up from dealer, after market suppliers or the usual Euro suppliers like AutoDoc so we`re currently stumped and hopefully one of you wonderful people on here may have carried out a replacement and know where we can find some [ well 2 will do!! ]

Thanks in advance for any help

Re: Camshaft seals - Can anyone help locate please

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 23:30
by Ian Linden
Checking the Parts Catalog (click manuals above the blue page header), looks like 09283-32038.
Seem to be available from IMPEX Japan

Re: Camshaft seals - Can anyone help locate please

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 15:47
by Murray Betts
Sorry if its a bit late....
Looks like it's probably a standard size, 32x47xW in Nitrile NBR should do it (the link shows 7mm, 8mm or 10mm depth W). You can get either single lip designs or an additional "wiper" or dust lip which is usually the type used where the outside can be exposed to dirt/dust, so I'd suspect that'll be the type used, single lip referred to as R21 and double as R23. ... r_mm=19886

NBR would be the normal material used for engine oil unless in a particularly harsh environment when Viton might be used, but Viton is not a generally preferred choice if NBR is adequate.
I doubt it's a directional design (with spiral features), that's usually only if there are undesirable pressure differences each side or potentially larger radial movements, neither would be the case for camshaft seals in the Capp.

If it's a standard size then most bearing stockists would probably have them, I've used the link before with no issues, also and

Re: Camshaft seals - Can anyone help locate please

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:20
by Mark Button
Hello Everyone of the forum

Thanks for the heads up on finding seals
I did find Chinese ones and Japanese ones. Both took months to deliver, but they are out there!!
I've got contacts for these things now, so PM me if I can help source stuff.
Also I've got a spare part of Japanize sourced capo camshaft oil seals, Code No 09283-32042 - 32x47x 6 with correct lip profile.
Might be the only pair in the UK, PM me, if you are in need!!

