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EA21R alternator voltage regulator

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 03:03
by Austin Gillespie
My alternator turned out to be the thing causing my electrical issues so I'm having it rebuilt and the shop called to say they couldn't source a new voltage regulator for it but everything else is already done. Does anyone know the part # for just the voltage regulator on the K6A alternator or where I could get one?

Re: EA21R alternator voltage regulator

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:22
by Ian Linden
By comparing the EA11R and EA21R Parts Catalogs, its the same for both. Fig 34 Item 18 Part No 32500-85251.

$160 from Amayama, plus shipping.

$144 from Impex Japan plus shipping.