by Murray Betts » Thu Jan 23, 2025 15:28
Just in case Collette, if you are getting a "clicking" noise/feel from the steering column, I posted a while ago about adjusting and lubricating the steering rack damper ("yoke"). It's under a white nylon screw-in plug (large square piece on the top to turn with a spanner etc) on the front of the rack on the driver's side. I think it should have a cap over it but mine hasn't. It's visible and just reachable from the front of the car with the bonnet open, down low below the alternator.
I lubed mine with a mix of gear oil and moly grease, as suggested on an Alfa forum I think. There's a spring under the white plug and a friction plunger (the yoke), but the spring preload is only slight, no fears of exploding parts when you undo it. The spring and yoke press the rack slider itself into engagement with the pinion to take out any slack, but too much pressure makes the steering stiff and it doesn't self centre properly. Too little (as I have found) makes the steering extremely light and skittish. Like Goldilocks found, it needs to be just right. Don't worry about fine adjustment, just use trial and error and you'll soon feel what's right. I found 1/4 turn at a time is a good guide to be able to feel a change.
I found the random clicks have disappeared, I think it was through grease drying up and getting stick/slip of the rack occasionally. All the other joints in the column were absolutely fine, no slack or wear.